COVID Mobility Works

Submit your artwork!

We want to hear from you

COVID-19 has changed the lives of people all over the world. Last year, we started collecting how cities were dealing with the impacts of the pandemic on their transportation systems; but that’s only half the story.

What is your experience?

Image Credit: Ralph Katieb

How have YOU experienced moving—or not moving—about your city, neighborhood, or street since the pandemic? Have you not been able to move around much because of COVID-19? How has your travel changed?

Show us with a drawing, a photograph, or even a poem by 30 Oct 2021. Your art will be part of an online exhibition with hundreds of other submissions from around the world!

What you need
to do

Step 1: Express yourself! Draw a picture, write a poem, or make a collage. If you can photograph it, you can share it!

Need inspiration? Think about:

  • What do you like or dislike about how COVID changed how you travel?
  • What types of changes to your street or travel behavior did you notice?
  • How would you like your street or travel to look when the pandemic is over?
  • How has the pandemic shaped your perspective of public space?
  • What impact has COVID had on the way you interact with you where you live?
  • How have your streetscapes changed in response to COVID-19?

Step 2: Create a digital file of your art so you can share it with us.

Scan or use a smartphone to take a photograph of your drawing, painting, sculpture, collage or other creation. If your art is already digital, make sure it is in jpg, png, or pdf format and less than 5MB. You can upload up to four (4) images.

Tips on taking a good photograph of your art with a smartphone »

Child taking photo of mural
Image Credit: Chris Benson

Submit         by
30 october!

Step 3: Submit by 30 October 2021

Once you have your digital file ready, send us your art by filling out this form. Before you submit, please review our privacy notice.


Step 4: Get your family and friends to share their art!

Download and share this poster with your friends, teachers, or family and don’t forget to tell them that the deadline to submit is  30 October 2021!

Download poster

Step 5: Get a glimpse of art from around the world!

You will hear back from us by     
November 2021.