COVID Mobility Works

Ticket to Freedom Ruined

Artist rendering of COVID experience
Seoul, South Korea

My first artwork / submission  focuses on the impact covid-19 has had on us over the past year and a half,  which explains the text I have written as the background in capital letters.  This was to give the viewers an eye-catching and dynamic idea or context to  what I was trying to convey within my artwork.

The object in the middle of  the paper on the other hand is an airplane ticket, all crinkled up with no  specific purpose anymore- in other words, an abandoned ticket with no use. I  drew the object to describe how we were not able to travel freely during  quarantine or other specific times; it is wrinkled because we can not go out  or travel openly as much unlike how we were able to a few years ago.

Materials used: Pencil, color pencil, acrylic paint, permanent marker
How did COVID change the way you moved around? I interacted with my town in new ways. I ate outside or explored the public space and streets more.
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